Page C.1 and Why It's C.1

Page C.1, or, page 1 of the table of contents is much like that of the table of contents on the Shutterbug magazine. I decided that I liked the way that the publication structures its content and decided to emulate a similar product in my own publication. Some key differences however are that mine has the word "Contents" on the right side on page C.2 and then the same word is on the left side on page C.1 to add a more parallel and symmetrical design to the pages. This part of the publication like the rest of my magazine was created using my favorite art app. Unlike InDesign and Photoshop I feel more at ease with being able to manipulate the brushstrokes myself and not feel so limited to the programming of the aforementioned programs. Tayasui's ability to add photos into paintings also made the process much simpler as it made it so I did not have to use any other program and I could keep all my work in one place. Moreover, Tayasui allowed me to fully explore my creative capabilities in creating Aesthetique in ways that I feel that I could not have done using other programs. However, Photoshop is a great and versatile tool and with it comes a feature I made a great use of; the pen tool. Using the pen tool to create hexagonal text boxes for my words helped greatly in ensuring that Aesthetique looked as eye-catching as it could possibly be.


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