The One and How I Found It
The Cover But Without Makeup:
This version of the cover as shown on my other post is the final image I used to create my cover. The image by itself, in my opinion would have made a nice and clean canvas that would work really well with sleek, well fit text and fonts. I really liked the image by itself but I felt that I could make it more "artsy" and make it pop. Though in the magazines that I had studied Shutterbug did not really add much to their photos, however, my magazine is more artistic when it comes to execution and therefore my choice to add to the picture reflects this conclusion. I also took into account how audiences would feel about the simple image as the cover. By itself the cover has no colors or flashy images to draw in people, thus adding the colors was an important decision to interest audiences.
The Cover, Now Ready For the Closeup:
Adobe InDesign is a great program but it does not have the artistic touch that other programs have. Due to this I decided that in order to personalize the cover in the way that I wanted I would need to take a more hands-on approach. For this, I used an app that I use almost daily to draw: Tayasui Sketch Pro. On Tayasui I was able to add watercolor and blend different colors to create more interesting focal points within the painting. Adding the pale pink to the background also gave it a more uniform coloration that I thought would be easier to place text on top of. Seeing as how Shutterbug kept their pictures quite simple I did not want to create unnecessary clutter on my cover and kept it very simple and streamlined.
I Hate InDesign But...
As much as I dislike InDesign I still needed to use it to make sure that my cover was the correct aspect ratio in order to print as a magazine. At first I was afraid that it would be difficult to fit what I had added in Tayasui into the final product but once I added the design into InDesign it was fitted correctly and I had nothing to fear about the outcome.
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